Xena the Warrior Corgi
It may seem odd to us what normal sounds are around us especially when one of those sounds is taken away. My home now in silence... so silent it's almost deafening. Gone is the sound of little paws hitting the floor. Gone is the "Ellllooooh" that greeted us when we came home, now 6:00 comes and there is no one to tell us it's here and gone. Gone is the barking at the thunder gods and the cold wet nose that followed because she needed protecting from their noise. I will have to fend off the evil vacuum cleaner when it comes out of it's closet, I will no longer have my protector that will attack it.
Gone the is my sweet baby girl.
She was 12 1/2 yrs old when the faeiries called her back to their land.
It all happened so quickly. We left to go work on Thursday, she was fine, she assumed her position in the living room as we left. When we got home from work she looked and acted like she had a tummy ache. We kept checking on her all evening, and agreed that if she is not any better in the morning we would take her to the vet and pick her up when we were coming home. Friday morning she had not eaten nor had she had any water to drink.
Vet time.
Good ole Doc Cooper and Doc Parker ... they were her docs since the first check up.
Doc Parker was headed into surgery but when he saw Xena he examined her immediately. Words that I remember from that conversation
perinea hernia
intestines in chest cavity
Specialist in Dallas
No guarantee
We thanked him because he knew we needed time to absorb and process, into the surgery he had scheduled. We began to look at pros vs cons,
she may not survive the surgery
possible complications after surgery
may need additional surgeries
So a difficult decision was made, a responsible adult decision was made, we talked to her held her while she went to sleep. She enriched our lives so much, she gave us so much we owed it to her to give her dignity at the end. We will meet her one day across the rainbow bridge, she'll be smiling and give us a "elllooh" once again.