Monday, May 28, 2007

One Sock

This is a photo of the Baudelaire socks that my knitting group knitted in our first knit along for 2007. I have one done completely and one all that is left is to put in the cuff. I am going to get very little knitting done over the next week. We are painting, and putting in flooring in the bedroom We started with the closet, My rather our closet is about 5 by 8 it's painted, and I have painted the trim. We still have the trim that surrounds the door and the door to work on. The DH is going to put flooring in, no it's not wood but a laminate. I am hoping that he is able to put the flooring in tomorrow so that when I get home from work we can put things back in the closets and start moving things out of the bedroom so that we can start that project. The bedroom is only 16 x15 ft and there is a cathedral ceiling. The builders down here put that Styrofoam crap on every ceiling, yes I know we could scrape it off but it's just way too much work to do that and put the floor in. Also down here, they put texture on the walls. I am getting very little knitting done right now. I am making some progress on my shell top but no where near finished. The sad thing is that I will be skipping knit night Tuesday night. I would love to go knit but I can leave the DH home alone and go off with my friends to knit. It's pretty much rained all weekend long maybe some day the sun will come out again.
I'm off to bed tomorrow another day of approving medical professionals to work.

This is what the new floor will look like.

Friday, May 11, 2007


We are close to having Baudelaire Socks!!! My Tuesday night knitting group is doing a Knit a long, we are all making the Baudelaire Socks by Cookie A. I love this pattern allot. I am feeling brave enough to try out some more of Cookie's sock patterns. The pattern can be found in the Summer 2006 issue of Knitty. Mine are in the back row, on the right side. I am using a yarn that I bought at the DFW Fiber Fest. It's a Madeline Tosh yarn. The colorway is called Martha Stewart.

This is the left foot ready to start the leg.
This is the right one I have one more pattern repeat and then the cuff.

This is a close up of the lace it travels up the back of the leg and the front of the leg. There are also cables on the inner leg and outer leg. Cables are part of the plan for this year. I have learned the figure 8 cast on and love it. This is a toe up sock and I am convinced that toe up is the only way to knit socks. I am also using two 16 inch cable needles and not the magic loop. Magic loop is nice but it's too much cable that is left loose for me and I wasn't happy doing that way. I always knit two socks at the same time because it's the only way I avoid the dreaded SSS (second sock syndrome). I will probably do this pattern again but in another colorway. I suddenly have an abundance of sock yarn

My goal for this weekend is to weave in the yarn on Rene's shrug, take photos of it and get it in the mail. I also want to work on the secret present and finish this square. Oh I have started knitting the Shell tank top from Knitting Nature in a bright yellow cotton. I have only started the back and have about 4 inches knit. This one may take a while.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

May 6th was my birthday. It was a quiet remembrance. DH bought me roses, took me out to dinner, a dueling piano bar, I spent most of Saturday flat on my back, it appeared that it, my back, decided to go out that day. So any plans that we had were squelched. Today we went to Simpatico yarns and I didn't buy any yarn. They give you a 15% discount on your birthday. I couldn't find anything I liked and when I did they didn't have it in the color I wanted. So no yarn for me today.

This is a photo of the Baudlier socks that we are working on in my knitting group. Mine are the ones in the lower right hand corner. I haven't done much knitting this weekend. I think this week will be more productive.