This is a photo of the Baudelaire socks that my knitting group knitted in our first knit along for 2007. I have one done completely and one all that is left is to put in the cuff. I am going to get very little knitting done over the next week. We are painting, and putting in flooring in the bedroom We started with the closet, My rather our closet is about 5 by 8 it's painted, and I have painted the trim. We still have the trim that surrounds the door and the door to work on. The DH is going to put flooring in, no it's not wood but a laminate. I am hoping that he is able to put the flooring in tomorrow so that when I get home from work we can put things back in the closets and start moving things out of the bedroom so that we can start that project. The bedroom is only 16 x15 ft and there is a cathedral ceiling. The builders down here put that Styrofoam crap on every ceiling, yes I know we could scrape it off but it's just way too much work to do that and put the floor in. Also down here, they put texture on the walls. I am getting very little knitting done right now. I am making some progress on my shell top but no where near finished. The sad thing is that I will be skipping knit night Tuesday night. I would love to go knit but I can leave the DH home alone and go off with my friends to knit. It's pretty much rained all weekend long maybe some day the sun will come out again.
I'm off to bed tomorrow another day of approving medical professionals to work.
This is what the new floor will look like.