Some of you may remember The Great Sock Tragedy of 2007 , with great sadness I must announce that the single sock that still remains here with me will be Frogged in the near future. I have exhausted all efforts in looking for the missing sock, I have posted signs offering a reward, I have searched for another skein of the same color and all ends in no. The socks were going to be theory for me, a symbol to be worn on New Years Day. It was going to be a visual symbol of me letting go of the negativity of 2007 and welcoming in of the new year filled with new experiences. I'm not going to get rid of the yarn I'm going to knit it into my sock yarn blanket.
What will happen is that my knitting group Sisters of the Wool aka SOWs, is going to have an UFO R.I.P. Frog Night. Come now Knitters, we all have at least one UFO that has had some tragedy, or we have knitted a part of it and thought What was I thinking?!!! I'll never wear that. Love the pattern hate the yarn. We all have at least one. Maybe I should have a contest,. Something like the best, "Worst UFO that should be Ripped" contest. Stay tuned, who knows what may happen.