On Saturday, September 22ND, some of the Sisters of the Wool went to Heritage Arts on the beautiful Beaumont Ranch to learn how to dye yarn.

It was a quaint shop,the tables were set up up, the yarn had been soaking overnight in water, we were told to take a piece of foil, to put our skein on top of it and pick out our colors. The colors we chose were all individual as all of us. I had a slight idea as to what I was going to do with one but the other would have to come to me.

The first color I chose was of course purple, my next color was going to be what I thought was a dark forest green, based on the name on the jar was Spruce. To my surprise and wee bit of annoyance turned out more blueish than greenish. So I punted when it came to a third color.

I kept adding the second color thinking what would I use for the third.

I punted and added Silver Gray and was somewhat surprised. Someone had made a comment that my colors were not weak. it did not bother me one bit. I it thought looked fine to me.

We were told that when we finished, we were to fold it into a burrito then into a cinnamon roll. So off our aluminium silver foil cinnamon rolls went to bake in the oven for half an hour. We waited, patiently, we went inside the chapel to cool off. We chatted, ate, knitted while we waited. Then suddenly someone came into the chapel and told us the first of the yarns were coming out. We all went and saw many of our skeins hanging on the dowel to drip dry. I did not come up with a name for my skein until I saw it there the silver twinkling at me in the Texas sun. Arora Borealis. I had dyed and named my first skein.

Each skein was rinsed out in cold water and hung up. Some of the rinse water dripped down onto the boards below.

After another half hour had gone by, the rest of the yarns came out. The next skein started with Crimson, it looked like a deep dark raspberry, followed by Scarlet, and then last was Fire Red. So I toyed with naming it Friday the 13th. Can you spot the skein below?

Here it is all by itself.

And now Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce from Mary's Little Lambs
Arora Borealis
Friday the 13th

I hope you have enjoyed my first attempt at dyeing. Now that I know how to do it. I may do it again for myself for special projects.